NameSugar Rush (HB)
Time1 action
Range30 feet
ComponenentsV, S, M (some candy)
DurationConcentration, up to 1 minute
ClassesSchool: Biomancy, School: Transmutation, Bard, Cleric, Paladin, Sorcerer, Tamer (Heliana)
TextChoose a willing creature that you can see within range. Until the spell ends, the target's speed is increased by 15 feet, and it gains a +1 bonus to AC. As a bonus action on each of its turns, it can take the Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object action. When the spell ends, or if an affected creature does not spend movement up to its walking speed by the end of its turn, it then develops a stomach ache and is poisoned until the end of its next turn At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd-level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 2nd. Source: Heliana's Guide to Monster Hunting p. 512 (Homebrew)