NameTempestuous Blade (HB)
Time1 bonus action
ComponenentsV, M (a simple or martial melee weapon)
Duration1 Round
ClassesSchool: Evocation, Artificer, Magus (LaserLlama), Sorcerer, Wizard
TextAs a bonus action, you infuse the melee weapon used in the casting of this spell with electrified magic. Until the start of your next turn, your attacks with that weapon deal lightning damage in place of the weapon's normal damage type. Once per casting when you deal lightning damage with this spell, you can infuse your target with an electrical charge until the start of your next turn. If the target uses a reaction of any kind before then, this tempestuous charge is unleashed and it takes 1d6 lightning damage. At Higher Levels: The lightning damage dealt by this spell when the target uses its reaction increases at 5th level (1d8), 11th level (1d10), and 17th level (1d12). Source: LaserLlama: Compendium of Spells p. 5 (Homebrew)