NameUnsealed Aspect v3.0.1: Lord of Spirits
ClassesVessel v3.0.1 (LaserLlama) (Unsealed Aspects)
TextPrerequisite: 18th-level Vessel You can channel the elder authority of your Sealed Spirit to compel powerful entities into your service. As an action, you can conjure one creature of your choice of the same creature type as your Archon Form with a CR of 6 or lower. This creature appears in an unoccupied space you choose within 30 feet, and remains for 1 hour or until it is destroyed. It obeys your commands completely and will not harm you or your allies. In combat is shares your turn, and will do all it can to obey your commands that don't violate its nature. Once you use this feature you must finish a long rest before you can call another such creature to your aid. Source: LaserLlama: The Vessel v3.0.1 p. 14 (Homebrew)